NPWJ in the news

Limbo giudiziario: La surreale indagine Qatargate su “Non c’è Pace senza Giustizia”
Linkiesta, 16 Dec 2023

Niccolò Figà Talamanca, segretario generale della organizzazione non governativa con sede a Bruxelles, è stato arrestato il 9 dicembre 2022 con accuse infamanti di corruzione mai provate. Dopo due mesi di dura custodia cautelare è uscito dal carcere senza alcuna pendenza. Non c’è mai stato un rinvio a giudizio, ma i conti sono ancora sequestrati.


Human rights activist ‘in limbo’ over EU corruption probe
Andy Bounds and Laura Dubois, Financial Times, 08 Dec 2023

A released suspect in the Qatargate investigation into corruption in the European parliament says he is “in limbo” and his human rights charity in danger of folding because of reputational damage from the probe. Niccolo Figà-Talamanca, secretary-general of No Peace Without Justice, was arrested in December 2022, with Belgian authorities saying they suspected him of corruption, money laundering and participation in a criminal group. He has maintained his innocence throughout and was let out of prison two months later.


INTERVISTA VIDEO Niccolò Figà Talamanca: cosa resta del Qatargate
Simone De La Feld, Eunews, 27 Nov 2023

Dall'arresto il 9 dicembre al rilascio senza condizioni il 3 febbraio 2023, fino alla procedura di verifica in corso su eventuali abusi commessi dalle autorità belghe. A un anno dallo scoppio del Qatargate, il segretario generale dell'ong No Peace Without Justice ha ripercorso ai microfoni di Eunews la vicenda giudiziaria che l'ha visto coinvolto.


Focusing International Justice on Children: The Time is Now
Alison Smith, Opinio Juris, 01 May 2023

It has been 20 years since the launch of “International Criminal Justice and Children” by UNICEF’s Innocenti Research Centre and No Peace Without Justice. At the time, it was the only book dealing explicitly and exclusively with children and the myriad of ways in which they could become involved with an international criminal justice process. The impetus underpinning the book was the fact that while the disproportionate impact of conflict and violations during conflict on children was well-known, little emphasis was placed on children by accountability and truth-seeking processes. Even less attention had been paid to the intersections between such processes and the rights of the child, to justice, to redress and to participation. The book therefore aimed to describe the applicable legal frameworks and the functions and statutes of justice and truth-seeking mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court, so as to identify questions, explore emerging issues and address the critical gaps in accountability for crimes committed against children.


Un orgoglio per +Europa aver concorso a promuovere la presenza di Shaharzad in Italia
Di Simona Viola, +Europa, 14 Mar 2022

Emma Bonino, assieme a “Non c’è pace senza giustizia” di cui è fondatrice, in occasione dell’8 marzo hanno invitato in Italia Shaharzad Akbar, attivista afghana per i diritti umani e presidente uscente della Commissione afghana per i diritti umani, attualmente in esilio.
Emma Bonino ha voluto dedicare l’8 marzo alla sua visita, per fare un gesto concreto, per non dimenticare la tragedia e il coraggio delle donne afghane che tutti i giorni combattono contro il violento regime di vero e proprio apartheid di genere imposto dai talebani, e ha dunque promosso un’audizione di Shaharzad al Senato, dopo essere stata ricevuta alla Farnesina da Benedetto Della Vedova, sottosegretario con la delega ai Diritti umani,  e Marina Sereni, vice ministro alla guida della Cooperazione allo sviluppo.


Opening of Ukraine investigation should be a wake-up call to look again at ICC’s budget
Opinion by Alison Smith, CICC, 07 Mar 2022

In an unprecedented move, 39 States Parties have referred the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Lithuania sent their referral to ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan on 1 March and another 38 States led by the United Kingdom joined that request on 2 March. Ukraine had already accepted the Court’s jurisdiction twice, in 2014 and 2015, but since it is not a State Party to the Rome ICC Statute, it could not activate the “fast track” of a State Party referral and Prosecutor Khan would have had wait for approval by the ICC's Pre-Trial Chamber to open an investigation. The referrals from States Parties plus the pre-existing acceptance of ICC jurisdiction by Ukraine meant that step could be skipped and an investigation opened with immediate effect.


I matrimoni minorili: numeri e soluzioni di una piaga anche italiana
Cristian Pandolfino, Culturamente, 13 Dec 2021

Il 10 dicembre si celebra la Giornata Mondiale dei Diritti Umani: è quindi molto significativo presentare proprio in questo giorno alla stampa i risultati dell’Indagine sui matrimoni minorili in Italia. Una ricerca realizzata dall’associazione internazionale Non C’è Pace Senza Giustizia con il fondamentale contributo di The Circle Italia Onlus


Matrimoni minorili, quanti sono in Italia? L'indagine "Stop child marriage» e il sostegno di Emma Bonino: «Sono stupri forzati»
di Valentina Venturi, Il Messaggero, 11 Dec 2021

«Non edulcoriamo la realtà: i matrimoni giovanili e forzati sono un’autorizzazione allo stupro». La senatrice Emma Bonino non usa mezzi termini per spiegare l’importanza dell’iniziativa “Stop Child Marriage”, illustrata al Senato in occasione della presentazione del rapporto “Spose Bambine: Indagine sui matrimoni minorili in Italia”. Una ricerca realizzata in sinergia dalle associazioni “Non C’è Pace Senza Giustizia” e “The Circle Italia Onlus” e che vuole accendere l’attenzione su una drammatica questione mai affrontata in modo incisivo.


Water cannon, grenades, pushbacks and fence breaching as tensions escalate on Belarus-Poland border
Euronews, 16 Nov 2021

Tensions that have been building along the Poland,Belarus border for weeks spilled over into violence on Tuesday. Polish border guards used water cannon against migrants on the Belarus side of the frontier. Warsaw says the people were armed with gas grenades, supplied by Belarus.


Syrian war crimes on trial in Germany: Will justice be lost in translation?
Charlotte Bailey, The New Humanitarian, 21 Oct 2021

In the coming weeks, a German judge is expected to read the verdict in a historic trial: the first seeking to convict members of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government of war crimes. But many onlookers will be listening for more than just the words “guilty” or “not guilty”. They’ll also be noting if the words are translated into Arabic, so millions of Syrians impacted by the conflict – or even just the few in the courtroom – can fully absorb the impact of the moment.


L'incontro a Bruxelles. In Siria continua la «guerra delle donne»
Susan Dabbous, Bruxelles, L'Avvenire, 31 Mar 2021

(...) A peggiorare è stata soprattutto la condizione femminile. Durante un panel sulla prevenzione della violenza di genere sulle donne siriane organizzato dall’Ong “Non c’è pace senza giustizia” le giornaliste siriane hanno sottolineato il loro compito non semplice: denunciare le violenze, scrivere, e far parlare con le proprie voci le vittime, le sopravvissute. Rendere pubbliche tutte le forme di violenza, non solo quelle fisiche e sessuali, ma anche quelle meno ovvie, perpetuate “a fin di bene”, come i matrimoni precoci e l’insegnamento dei mestieri prettamente femminili.


Mutilazioni genitali, una piaga difficile da debellare. Amref: tolleranza zero
Focus on Africa, 03 Feb 2021

In occasione della Giornata internazionale della tolleranza zero per le Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili (FGM), che si celebra il 6 febbraio, Amref Health Africa presenta il nuovo progetto “P-ACT”, finanziato dal Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione (FAMI), del Ministero dell’Interno. 
Il progetto “P-ACT: Percorsi di Attivazione Contro il Taglio dei diritti” ha come obiettivo generale quello di rafforzare la prevenzione ed il contrasto alla violenza di genere rappresentata dalle Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili nei confronti dei minori stranieri attraverso appropriate azioni di sistema.
Il progetto “P-ACT” vede come capofila Amref Health Africa, in partnership con Università degli Studi Milano – Bicocca, Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia, Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni – CONNGI e Società Italiana Medicina delle Migrazioni – SIMM.


25 anni fa a Srebrenica
Emma Bonino, Affari Internazionali, 12 Jul 2020

Voglio dedicare questo spazio ai ragazzi, che probabilmente non ricordano o non sanno del massacro di Srebrenica del luglio 1995.
Quando ero Commissario europeo per gli aiuti umanitari ho visto davvero tanti campi profughi, ma una in particolare mi è rimasto impresso: quello di Tuzla, per la fila di tende improvvisate accanto l’airstrip dove era atterrato il piccolo aeroplano usato per arrivare lì. E mi ha impressionato, come un pugno allo stomaco, perché era immerso in un silenzio assoluto.
Atterrando, mi sono guardata intorno e ho visto solo donne, anziani e bambini fuggiti da Srebrenica, attaccata e conquistata dai serbi. Ho quindi chiesto dove fossero i loro uomini e mi fu risposto che erano stati separati quando era stata attaccata la cosiddetta zona sicura sotto l’egida delle Nazioni Unite.


Why is the US targeting the ICC?
Start Here with Al Jazeera, 28 June 2020 , 28 Jun 2020

What is behind the Trump administration's sanctions against the International Criminal Court?
Does it have anything to do with US soldiers in Afghanistan?  And what does Israel have to do with any of this?
Watch "Start Here with Al Jazeera" looking into the case and including a contribution by Alison Smith, International Justice Director, No peace WIthout Justice.


Interview of Alison Smith, International Justice Director of NPWJ, on the Gambia filing Rohingya Case at the ICJ
Channel Africa - Africa Midday, 13 November 2019, 13 Nov 2019

Listen to the interview here: (starting at 35:10 up to 41’10) 


68 million girls are at risk of genital mutilation in the next 10 years
European Interest, 11 Feb 2019

At least 200 million girls and women in the world have suffered some form of genital mutilation according to the UN, and 68 million are still at risk. On the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament re-stated their strong commitment to eradicate this aberration.
S&D MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri, in cooperation with the NGO No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ), has organised an event with prominent African women who fight against FGM. Their coalition for action against FGM is reflected in a photographic exhibition [3] and web-documentary presented today in the European Parliament.
“We render public recognition to the courage of so many African women who have formed coalitions to fight against the cruelty of FGM. In the Parliament we want to give voice to those brave women who witness their experience of pain, but also their story determined rebellion against the patriarchal logic of FGM that violates the dignity of women,” said Pier Antonio Panzeri.


'Sinergie per la pace',opinion leader per mobilitare società
ANSAmed, 08 Feb 2019

Un ponte tra Roma, Parigi e Tunisi, per mobilitare la società civile per l'integrazione e la pace, ponendo al centro il ruolo strategico dell'Europa del Sud. È questo il senso di "Sinergie per la Pace", incontro su iniziativa del Rotary Club Roma Sud che si é svolto a Palazzo Giustiniani a Roma. Al dibattito hanno partecipato Emma Bonino come fondatrice della ong "No peace without justice", il Premio Nobel per la Pace 2015 Abdelaziz Essid, il Sindaco di Mazara del Vallo Nicola Cristaldi, e il fondatore e presidente dell'associazione Rondine Cittadella della Pace Franco Vaccari.
"Sinergie per la Pace" è un progetto internazionale cui hanno aderito molti club Rotary italiani ed esteri il cui obiettivo è creare un contraddittorio tra grandi opinion leader sui temi della pace e dell'integrazione, proponendo soluzioni concrete.
Quella di Roma è la tappa iniziale di una serie di eventi che toccherà nei prossimi mesi anche Parigi e Tunisi. "Ci siamo interrogati su come intervenire sulla realtà odierna", e "il Rotary Club ha intenzioni serie e concrete di mettere in campo le sue professionalità per costruire la pace", ha sottolineato nel suo intervento Gianni Vivona, presidente di Rotary Club Roma Sud. "Oggi è un incontro importante perché riteniamo che sia arrivato il momento di mettere in campo la società civile e agire", e "abbiamo voluto riunire illustri relatori per una riflessione da cui trarre spunti concreti", ha aggiunto.


Giornata contro le mutilazioni genitali femminili: la keniana Nice in Italia e a Bruxelles per raccontare la sua storia
Di Maria Novella Topi, OnuItalia, 06 Feb 2019

Cade oggi la Giornata mondiale contro le mutilazioni genitali femminili e  una delle più note testimonial contro questa vera e propria violazione dei diritti umani, Nice Nailantei Leng’ete – operatrice di Amref Health Africa, scelta dal Time nel 2018 tra le 100 persone più influenti al mondo sarà a Milano, Bruxelles e Roma. Nice è in Italia e al Parlamento Europeo per raccontare la sua storia, lanciare un appello contro l’indifferenza e per un mondo che abbia fiducia nell’Africa.
In occasione della Giornata Mondiale “Tolleranza Zero su Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili”, Nice e’ stata ospite presso il Parlamento Europeo, a Bruxelles. L’evento cui Nice ha preso parte è organizzato da Non c’è Pace senza giustizia, Differenza Donna, l’Istituto de Santé Génésique/Women Safe (Francia) e La Palabre (Belgio), in cooperazione con MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri (Presidente del SubComitato sui Diritti Umani del Parlamento Europeo). La tavola rotonda è organizzata come parte del progetto BEFORE. L’evento sarà preceduto dal vernissage della mostra “UNCUT: The revolution of women against MGF” (foto di Simona Ghizzoni e Testi di Emanuela Zuccalà). Riferimento Regionale per le MGF. L’evento è parte del progetto “Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili: azioni di contrasto e percorsi formativi tra Africa e Italia” sostenuto dall’Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese.


Panel Reports on Human Rights in UAE, Yemen
Elaine Pasquini, WRMEA, 16 Jan 2019

The American Society of International Law (ASIL), No Peace Without Justice and the Yemen Peace Project co-hosted a Jan. 15 program titled “Peninsular Perspective: Human Rights and Accountability in the UAE and the Region” at ASIL’s Washington, DC’s headquarters.
Durham University Ph.D. candidate Matthew Hedges held the audience spellbound with his moving narrative on his six months’ detention in the UAE on charges of espionage following a two-week trip last year to conduct interviews for his Ph.D. thesis. “I was held nearly entirely in solitary confinement and coerced into confessing to the charges levied against me,” Hedges explained.
The academic was researching the UAE’s foreign and domestic security policy after the Arab Spring, focusing on two parallel processes: the concentration of power among tribal elites and the stratospheric rise of the UAE security services. In a five-minute hearing on Nov. 21 last year, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Five days later, following the British government’s intervention, he was released and deported.
Gianfranco dell’Alba, president of No Peace Without Justice, concurred that the UAE has well-documented human rights abuses. “Recently, with critical attention focusing sharply on Saudi Arabia, the UAE has lived under the rudder of its suppression and silencing of dissenting voices within its border,” he argued. “Preventing debate and critical engagement not only prevents civic participation on crucial issues, but also promotes bad policy making.”


ICC credibility questioned after Gbagbo’s acquittal
Jack Parrock, SABC News, 15 Jan 2019

Former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo has been acquitted of all charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court. The first sitting president to be transferred to The Hague. He’s been there since 2011 on the accusation that he incited the 2010 post-election violence in the Ivory Coast after he lost an election run-off. After over 8 years in The Hague, ICC judges have thrown out the case against Laurent Gbagbo even before the end of the trial.
It’s another  massive blow for the ICC prosecutor – the case against Kenyan President Kenyatta was dropped and former DRC vice president Jean-Pierre Bemba had his conviction overturned. And this acquittal is another embarrassment.
Director of No Peace Without Justice, Niccolo Figa-Talamanca says, “It’s not just that the accused himself was not responsible for the actions, for the crimes committed, but also that the prosecutor had not brought sufficient evidence of systematicity and pattern to demonstrate that the events actually constituted crimes against humanity.”


Tunisia: "Victims speak out against impunity and in defense of transitional justice"
NPWJ, 06 Nov 2018


Political speech is not a crime: Urgent appeal to stop the trial of Sheikh Ali Salman
IFEX, 18 Jun 2018

NGOs call on Bahraini authorities to drop all charges and ensure the immediate and unconditional release of Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary-General of Bahrain's largest political opposition society, al-Wefaq National Islamic Society.
We the undersigned call on Bahraini authorities to drop all charges and ensure the immediate and unconditional release of Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary-General of Bahrain's largest political opposition society, al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, who has been serving a four-year prison sentence for charges in response to political speeches he delivered in 2014, and who is now facing a potential death sentence in a groundless new trial on politically motivated charges.
Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Bahrain Interfaith, Adil Soz - International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech, Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC), Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI), Bytes for All (B4A), Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI), Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP), Danish Pen, Freedom Forum Independent Journalism Center (IJC), Global Human Rights Geneva, Index on Censorship, Initiative for Freedom of Expression - Turkey, Maharat Foundation, MARCH, Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA), Media Watch, MENA Monitoring Group, National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), No Peace Without Justice, Norwegian PEN, Pakistan Press Foundation, PEN American Center, PEN Canada, Salam for Democracy and Human Rights, Social Media Exchange (SMEX), South East Europe Media Organisation, Vigilance for Democracy and the Civic State, World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), Vivarta Limited


Justice for Syria after chemical attack
CICC #GlobalJustice Weekly, 12 Apr 2018

An alleged chemical weapons attack against civilians in Douma, Syria has been condemned widely by civil society. The attack is said to have killed at least 60 people and left over 1,000 injured.
An open letter published this week, signed by 15 NGOs including Coalition members REDRESS, No Peace Without Justice, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), TRIAL International, Open Society Justice Initiative and Coalition parent organziation the World Federalist Movement, calls upon the EU and UN to ensure accountability for crimes committed during the conflict at the “Brussels II Conference” on the 24th April, and to prioritise overcoming the challenges in meeting humanitarian needs.


Elimination des MGF au Burkina : Les FDS appelées en renfort, Aline Ariane BAMOUNI, Aujourd'hui au Faso, 27 février 2018
Elimination des MGF au Burkina : Les FDS appelées en renfort, Aline Ariane BAMOUNI, Aujourd'hui au Faso, 27 Feb 2018

Un atelier d’information et de plaidoyer sur la problématique des Mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) à l’intention des Forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS) s’est ouvert à Ouagadougou, ce lundi 26 février 2018.
Le présent atelier, organisé par l’ONG Voix de femmes, en collaboration avec «No Peace Without Justice» constitue l’une des dernières activités du projet Ban MGF et s’inscrit dans la dynamique de mobilisation des acteurs nationaux contre la pratique des MGF. Pour la présidente de Voix de femmes, il s’agit  de bénéficier de l’implication plus grande et soutenue des FDS pour l’accélération de l’élimination des MGF.


FGM violates women’s right at least 200 million survivors says –Aslup
By Sarjo Camara Singateh, Foroyaa, 23 Feb 2018

Female genital mutilation continues to hamper lives of women and girls. The US ambassador, Patricia Aslup said at least 200 million girls and women alive have under gone some form of FGM/C.
She said the act is a grave and lifelong harm, it has been proven to cause to the physical and mental health of women and girls.  She highlighted that if the current trends continue, many more millions of girls are at risk of being subjected to the practice by 2030.
It is with this backdrop that GAMCOTRAP and its partners join the whole world to commemorate Zero tolerance to end female genital mutilation yesterday at the Friendship Hostel, in Bakau Stadium.
Niccolo Figa-Talamanca, BanFGM Project Worldwide Secretary General of No Peace Without Justice said the duration to end female genital mutilation is been a while but gaining momentum. “A right is a right if it is protected by the law,” he said
He noted that the physical manifestation of women leaders in the struggle to end FGM cannot be estimated. He also calls for the enforcement of the law to protect women. He stated that collective measures are needed to protect the girl child, because it takes a lot of energy to protect women from harmful practices.


Gamcotrap commemorates Zero Tolerance Day to end FGM
By Isatou Senghore-Njie, The Point, 23 Feb 2018

The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices -Gamcotrap- and No Peace Without Justice last Wednesday celebrated the International Zero tolerance day onto end Female Genital Mutilation –FGM- on the theme “Accelerate Zero Tolerance to end FGM by 2030. Over the years, Gamcotrap has taken the lead in celebrating zero tolerance to end FGM in The Gambia working with all sectors across the country. The international day of zero tolerance on FGM is a global event adopted by the United Nations sub-commission on human rights.
Speaking at the event hosted at the Friendship hostel at the independence Stadium in Bakau, American Ambassador Patricia Aslup said as the day is celebrated, people must know that zero tolerance means exactly that zero tolerance is placed on an act of violence against women that neither has religious basis nor relevance in modern culture.
“We know that FMG/C is considered a rite of passage in communities and because of this, we know that it will not end simply by passing a law. FGM/C will not end until communities collectively and publicly advocate for zero tolerance and work together to end its practice.” Ambassador Aslup said the advancement of women and girls is essential to peace, prosperity, and security, noting that they remain committed in their efforts to combat all forms of gender-based violence, including FGM/C while renewing the call for zero tolerance to end the harmful procedure that affects women and girls in far too many places across the globe.
Musa Jallow from Gamcotrap said law is necessary but its effective implementation and enforcement and public awareness of the powers of the law is the most important.
He added that enforcing the law that prohibits FGM is critical to legitimise local advocacy and educational efforts, to strengthen those who seek to defy social pressures of tradition and reject FGM to protect its victims and to end this event.
Niccolo Figa Talamanca from No Peace Without Justice said the liberation of women is very essential and the mission that brought Gamcotrap into the fight is the same mission that brought his organisation.


L’Italia riconferma l’impegno nella lotta all’eradicazione delle mutilazioni genitali femminili (MGF)
Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, 05 Oct 2017

Si è tenuto a Niamey dal 2 al 5 ottobre scorso il Forum delle Premieres Dames della CEDEAO che ha visto la partecipazione dei Ministri delle Donne e della Protezione dei Minori e della Salute dei 14  Paesi CEDEAO. La riunione a livello ministeriale del 4 ottobre ha portato all’adozione di tre documenti di cui due dichiarazioni delle Premieres Dames: 1) il quadro strategico per il rafforzamento dei sistemi nazionali per la protezione dei minori e per la prevenzione e risposta alle violenze, abusi e sfruttamento dei minori; 2) la dichiarazione sull’eradicazione della fistola ostetrica in Africa occidentale; 3) la dichiarazione sull’eliminazione della pratica delle mutilazioni genitali femminili e la lotta contro le violenze basate sul genere in Africa occidentale. Il Forum ha costituito un’occasione per riaffermare l’impegno a favore della realizzazione della VISION 2020 della CEDEAO che prevede, fra l‘altro, la costruzione di una CEDEAO dei popoli attraverso interventi mirati su donne e minori all’interno dello spazio comunitario.
Al Forum è intervenuto S.E. l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Niamey Marco Prencipe che ha pronunciato un discorso nella plenaria conclusiva del Forum del 5 ottobre al Palais des Congres di Niamey, momento di massima visibilità dell’evento, per via della presenza del Presidente della Repubblica  del Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou, del Presidente della Repubblica del Togo, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbe, del Presidente dalla Commissione della CEDEAO, Marcel Alain De Souza, dei Ministri di Genere e Protezione dei Minori nonché dei ministri della Salute dei 14 paesi membri della CEDEAO, e delle Premieres Dames della CEDEAO. Nel suo discorso l’Ambasciatore ha evidenziato l’impegno dell’Italia nella campagna internazionale per l’eradicazione delle mutilazioni genitali femminili (MGF) sia nella fase di negoziazione (in particolare in seno alle Nazioni Unite e al Consiglio d’Europa) sia nella promozione di iniziative di sensibilizzazione e di progetti  finanziati dalla nostra cooperazione allo sviluppo.
Al Forum era presente anche il Segretario Generale Niccolo Figà-Talamanca di No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) di cui il progetto BanGMF finanziato dalla DGCS/AICS e promosso dalla ONG nei paesi dell’Africa francofona con l’obiettivo di rafforzarne il quadro politico, istituzionale e giuridico di lotta contro le mutilazioni genitali femminili e di migliorare le politiche in materia di salute pubblica e riproduttiva, contribuendo all’eliminazione delle MGF attraverso l’implementazione della Risoluzione di messa al bando universale adottata dalle Nazioni Unite.


Passing of M. Cherif Bassiouni, “the Godfather of International Criminal Law”
CICC News, 26 Sep 2017

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court would like to share in expressing our profound sadness at the passing of Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni. “Cherif was truly one of the world’s greatest experts of international law and justice.  He was a true champion of the International Criminal Court and long-time supporter of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court,” said William R. Pace, Coalition Convenor. Cherif Bassiouni was a founding member of both the prestigious Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (ISISC) and DePaul’s International Human Rights Law Institute.
In response to the news, many Coalition members expressed their sorrow and remembrances:
Richard Dicker of Human Rights Watch noted his “Many memories of Cherif–his dynamic…as the Chair of the Former Yugoslavia Commission of Experts [predecessor to the ICTY], the essential work he did through the Siracusa Institute on the Draft Statute of the ICC, his role in Rome as Chair of the Drafting Committee….his scholarly contributions…quite an amazing role and a remarkable person.”
“We are joining others in remembering and honoring Cherif Bassiouni — an extraordinary man who has made an incredible and unique contribution to this field, especially during the negotiations and the early work of the Tribunals,” said Brigid Inder, Executive Director of Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice. “He was a wonderful orator — intelligent, urbane, and inspiring. We were so lucky to have had him.”
Niccolò Figà-Talamanca of No Peace Without Justice described him as “unfailingly considerate, elegant and generous of spirit…He's been a great promoter of international justice, with real depth on the issues, but also the flair to move things forward. Richard mentioned his crucial role in building political momentum for the ICTY. Then, in Rome he played his role masterfully, as Chair of a drafting committee that he purposefully designed to be in part a place to keep certain parts of the text moving at the right pace, so that the deals could be struck - even if somewhere else. A great mover and strong advocate on our side during the ratification campaign, you could really count on him to explain things clearly policymakers, and to make an impression.”


ICC orders former Mali rebel to pay $3.2 million in reparation
CGTN Africa, 17 August 2017, 17 Aug 2017



Will Christians return to Mosul post-Islamic State?
by Diana Chandler, Baptist Press, 19 Jul 2017

The liberation of Mosul from the Islamic State (IS) does not create an opportunity for most displaced Christians to return home, an Assyrian Christian in the United States advocating for the victims told Baptist Press (BP).
Rather, many displaced Christians see better prospects in establishing their lives in the Nineveh Plains northeast of Mosul, said Juliana Taimoorazy, founder of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council. Based in Glenview, Ill., the council advocates for persecuted Iraqi and Middle Eastern Christians in their homelands and in the U.S.
“The majority of Christians are not seeking to return to Mosul specifically. This is because they were betrayed by their own neighbors,” Taimoorazy told BP. (…) Taimoorazy said sources have reported as few as 10 Christian families were among residents who were unable to escape Mosul and remained under Islamic State rule when it established a so-called caliphate there in 2014. (…)
“Most have either been tortured or their family members have been killed,” Taimoorazy said. “A few have superficially converted to Islam by reciting the shahada [Muslim profession of faith] to remain alive, although in their hearts they remain Christian.”
IS displaced about 170,000 Christians inside Iraq, Taimoorazy estimates. Half of those were able to migrate to slums and refugee camps in cities such as Amman, Jordan, and in small villages in Turkey and surrounding areas of Beirut.
 Still others were tortured or killed, said Taimoorazy, who herself was harassed daily during her childhood in Iran under the Islamic regime, she said, and was smuggled to the U.S. as a teenager.
“We don’t have accurate statistics as of now, but we do know there are several hundred Christian women who were sold into sex slavery from the Nineveh Plains and Mosul,” she said. “Many have been crucified on their doorsteps. Hundreds of women were raped in front of their husbands and later forced to witness the execution of their husbands.”
The Minority Rights Group International, a London-based organization advocating for Iraqi Christians and similarly situated minorities in more than 60 countries, released a study in June conducted in cooperation with the Institute for International Law and Human Rights, No Peace Without Justice and the Unrepresented Nations and People Organization, all non-governmental organizations.
