30 Years of commitment

On 18 May 2024, NPWJ celebrated its 30th anniversary
with an international conference in Rome

Giving a voice to the silenced

If you care about the defense and promotion of human rights and democracy everywhere in the world, support our efforts.

We work for the protection of human rights

No Peace Without Justice is an international non‑profit organisation founded by Emma Bonino and Marco Pannella and born of a 1993 campaign of the Transnational Radical Party

We raise awareness and foster change

through explicitly political campaigns involving partnerships between public institutions, nongovernmental organisations and other societal actors

Our campaigns

No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) is an international non-profit organisation that works for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice.

The action of NPWJ is currently focused on the following campaigns

Press releases

Stay informed about our activities to promote and protect human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice throughout the world.

Support our commitment

to build a world in which everyone’s human rights and freedoms, democracy and peace, are guaranteed by universal rule of law, rooted in accountability for violations and redress for victims.

Support our commitment

for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice throughout the world.

Areas of action

NPWJ seeks to support human rights and environmental defenders in their invaluable work to protect and promote human rights throughout the world, enhancing their capacity to act as a constructive force and promoting a global environment that is favourable to their work.


South America

North America

Asia / Pacific

North Africa / Middle East



Emma Bonino

Through its global political campaigns and initiatives, No Peace Without Justice aims to focus on those situations where universal and fundamental principles are often cast aside in the name of political stability and supposed cultural incompatibility. No Peace Without Justice encourages awareness raising, promotes public debates and stimulates political mobilization of activists, parliamentarians and governments to promote human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international criminal justice. With its small resources, but with the strength of its resolve.