21 July 2022 – Environmental Justice & Human Rights

21 Jul, 2022 | News Digests

Climate emergency is a legacy of colonialism, says Greenpeace UK

The Guardian , 21 Jul 2022

The climate and ecological crises are a legacy of systemic racism and people of colour suffer disproportionately from their harms, a Greenpeace UK report says. Globally, the report says, it is people of colour who, despite having contributed the least to the climate emergency, are now “disproportionately losing their lives and livelihoods” by the millions because of it.

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Costa Rica to receive $400 mln funding for decarbonization plan

Reuters, 21 Jul 2022

Costa Rica will receive more than $400 million in funding for its national decarbonization plan, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) said in a statement on Wednesday. The IDB, which is contributing a $250 million loan in ordinary capital, said the funding is key to making the country carbon neutral by 2050.

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War and Warming Upend Global Energy Supplies and Amplify Suffering

The New York Times , 20 Jul 2022

Deadly heat and Russia’s war in Ukraine are packing a brutal double punch, upending the global energy market and forcing some of the world’s largest economies into a desperate scramble to secure electricity for their citizens. This week, Europe found itself in a nasty feedback loop as record temperatures sent electricity demand soaring but also forced sharp cuts in power from nuclear plants in the region because the extreme heat made it difficult to cool the reactors.

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Australia report reveals ‘shocking’ decline in environment

Al Jazeera , 19 Jul 2022

The state of Australia’s environment is “poor and deteriorating”, a new government report has found. The 2021 State of the Environment Report, a mandatory assessment conducted every five years, was released on Tuesday by the recently-elected federal Labor government. It had been received by the previous Liberal-National coalition government in December 2021 but not published.

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