Tunis, 8 March 2015
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, “Wounded to Death”, a play about femicide written by Serena Dandini in collaboration with Maura Misiti, will be performed at the Théâtre 4ème Art in Tunis on Sunday 8 March 2015. This is the first time that the play is being performed in an Arab country, thanks to the cooperation of FIDH and two of its member organizations in Tunisia, the Tunisian Human Rights League and the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (ATFD).
Previous presentations were made at the UN headquarters in New York and Geneva, Washington, Brussels, London, Luxembourg and Strasbourg and Paris. Contributors to this project include CEFA Onlus, GVC Onlus, No Peace Without Justice, Unipol Banca, Legacoop Romagna and Emilia Romagna.
On stage in Tunis alongside the authors will be Emma Bonino (former Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and founder of No Peace Without Justice), Latifa Lakhdhar (Tunisian Minister of Culture), Fatma Saidenne (actress), Amel Hamrouni (singer), Bochra Belhaj Hmida (Member of Parliament), Jalila Baccar (actress), Besma Khalfeoui (Chairperson of the Chokri Belaid Foundation), Nadia Khiari (caricaturist), Meriem Belkadhi (journalist), Raja Dahmeni (ATFD), Lina Ben Mhenni (blogger), Najwa Rezgui (former political prisoner) and Amira Yahyeoui (Chairperson of BAWSSALA).
« Wounded to Death » is a collection of monologues, based on the Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Master, the original feature of which was that it allowed the voices of the dead to be heard. In the same way the monologues that make up « Wounded to Death », drawing on various facts and judicial investigations, are the posthumous and imaginary accounts related in the first person of women who have died as the result of acts of violence inflicted most often by a husband, a companion, a lover or an ex.
Press coverage:
- Teatro: un 8 marzo speciale per Bonino e Dandini a Tunisi, ANSAMed, 9 marzo 2015
- I monologhi di «Ferite a morte» in Tunisia, di Gianna Fregonara, Corriere della Sera, 8 marzo 2015
- 8 marzo: con Bonino “Ferite a morte” arriva in Tunisia, prima volta Paese arabo, Onultalia, 7 March 2015
- Le Théâtre national tunisien fête les femmes, Tekiano, 7 mars 2015
- Tunisia: Taieb Baccouche Meets Italian Former Foreign Minister, TAP / All Africa, 7 March 2015
For more information, contact Sabrina Gasparrini, on sgasparrini@npwj.org / +39 06.68979262 or Nicola Giovannini, on ngiovannini@npwj.org /+32 (0)2 548-39 15.