Today, at 12.00, a delegation from No Peace Without Justice and the Nonviolent Radical Party will deliver to the...
Corte Penale Internazionale: il Madagascar ratifica lo Statuto di Roma e diviene il 106esimo stato parte della CPI
Il 14 marzo scorso il Madagascar ha depositato gli strumenti di ratifica dello Statuto della Corte Penale...
Kenya: affidate all’Associazione Radicale Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia le indagini sulle violenze post elettorali
La Commissione Nazionale Keniota per i Diritti Umani (KNCHR) ha affidato alla associazione radicale Non c’è Pace Senza...
No Peace Without Justice welcomes ICC Prosecutor’s decision to open investigations in the Central African Republic and urges immediate outreach for the people of the CAR
ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo announced on Tuesday 22 May the decision to open an investigation into crimes under...
FGM/Eritrea. No Peace Without Justice congratulates the Eritrean Government for prohibiting Female Genital Mutilation.
On 4 April 2007, the Government of Eritrea took a historic step by issuing a Proclamation to abolish female genital...
ICC-Sudan: first step towards justice for the people of Darfur
In a historic move, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court today presented evidence to the Pre-Trial...
International Criminal Court begins first trial: a milestone for the protection of civilians
The first ever confirmation of charges hearing is being held today at the International Criminal Court, focusing on...
ICC issues DRC warrant against Thomas Lubanga. Charges includes Recruitment and Use of child soldiers
The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued the first arrest warrant for the...
Female Genital Mutilation: Bamako Declaration for the abandonment of FGM adopted in Mali
Participants to the Sub-Regional Conference on Female Genital Mutilation and the Implementation of the Maputo...