15 November 2022 – FGM & Women’s Rights

15 Nov, 2022 | News Digests

Updated family planning guide promotes empowerment, health and wellbeing – WHO

UN News, 15 Nov 2022

Wider access to self-administered contraceptives and the use of digital technologies by providers are just two of the tangible measures outlined in the latest edition of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidance on family planning. 

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Why women’s rights matter in COP27

Al Jazeera, 14 Nov 2022

This has been a year of climate catastrophes for every corner of the globe. From floods in Pakistan and Nigeria to the worst droughts on record across the Horn of Africa, no one on the planet is insulated against our rapidly worsening climate. Among the most disproportionately affected are women and girls. Yet their story is all too often just a footnote in the news.

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Iran: Stop sentencing peaceful protesters to death, UN experts urge

UN News, 11 Nov 2022

Sixteen UN-appointed independent human rights experts encouraged Iranian authorities on Friday to stop indicting people with charges punishable by death for participating in peaceful demonstrations.

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COP27: Week two opens with focus on water, women and more negotiations on ‘loss and damage’

UN News, 11 Nov 2022

On ‘Women and Water’ Day at COP27, the power of women as key drivers of climate solutions, and the crucial impact that the climate crisis is having on our water supply took centre stage in Sharm el-Sheikh. Meanwhile, the negotiations on the conference outcome continued, with UN officials calling for ‘building bridges’ to deliver on the important issue of loss and damage.

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Malaysia: Rights Agenda for Next Government

Human Rights Watch, 11 Nov 2022

Political parties in Malaysia’s November 19, 2022 general elections should commit to a strong human rights agenda for the country, Human Rights Watch said in a letter sent to party and coalition leaders this week.

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Afghan women barred from gyms, Taliban official says

Al Jazeera, 10 Nov 2022

The Taliban has justified the ban, saying women ignored gender segregation and dress code orders imposed earlier.

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