The Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty (NRPTT) will hold its 39th Congress in Chianciano from...
ll tuo 5 x mille per fermare le mutilazioni genitali femminili
DECIDI TU CHE SEGNO LASCIARE Ci sono tanti modi di fare violenza su una donna. Alcuni sono addirittura legali. Le...
Situation in Libya: ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I issues three arrest warrants
Today, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) granted the Prosecution’s request of 16 May 2011...
NPWJ and Radicali Italiani organise a public meeting on FGM in Rome with Khady Koita and Emma Bonino
Download the press release in Italian On Thursday 23 December 2010, at6 pm, at the headquarters of the Transnational...
NPWJ welcomes Moldova as the 114th State to join the International Criminal Court
On 12 october 2010, the Republic of Moldova formally deposited the “Instrument of Ratification” of the Rome Statute,...
Justice Rapid Response: new group of 14 deployable experts certified strengthens JRR’s operational capabilities
The third Justice Rapid Response Certification Workshop, organised by No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and the...
NPWJ congratulates Kosovo, the youngest European country, on ICJ decision.
On 22 July 2010, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its decision, stating that the “adoption of the...
“Per un mondo senza più violenza sulle donne e i bambini”
Il 17 novembre prossimo presso Villa Letizia (lungotevere delle armi 22-23) alle ore 20.30 si terrà una serata di...
Bandire le MGF una volta per tutte: un obiettivo a portata di mano
L’associazione radicale Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia organizza una Tavola Rotonda sul tema delle Mutilazioni Genitali...