Today, FIDH has published a paper in partnership with No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) on the outreach...
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Violence against women and girls must be prevented and combated with concrete, effective and coordinated policies
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the Day against Domestic Violence, No Peace...
Con le donne afghane, contro ogni violenza nel mondo
Mercoledi 24 novembre, ore 9:15-13:30 Mercoledì 24 novembre dalle 9:15 alle 13:30 presso il Ministero degli Affari...
Workshop on “Political Reform in Bahrain since the 1990s: Political Parties and the Constitution”
A Virtual Workshop co-organised by the the Richardson Institute’s Sectarianism, Proxies and De-sectarianisation...
Deforestazione in Amazzonia: i diritti della terra e il punto di vista delle donne indigene
Il 9 novembre, dalle 17.30 ora italiana L'evento è organizzato da Non c'è Pace Senza Giustizia e moderato da...
NPWJ and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation call for action on deforestation and indigenous rights during COP26
No Peace Without Justice and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation stress the need to tackle deforestation by...
Workshop “Envisioning International Justice: what role for the International Criminal Court?”
European Parliament, Sub-Committee on Human Rights, 28 October 2021 What role can the International Criminal Court...
Tunisia: President’s power grab an alarming slide towards authoritarianism
Tunis, 25 September 2021 Read the joint statement in Arabic, French The promulgation, on September 22, of Presidential...
Libya: NPWJ supports Civil Society Organisations’ commitment to protect Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Djerba, Tunisia, 23-28 October 2021 A workshop on parallel reporting for the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and...