Bruxelles / Roma, 17 luglio 2019 Ad un anno esatto dalle celebrazioni del ventesimo anniversario dello Statuto di Roma...
Comunicati Stampa
Oral statement by Hatice Cengiz on Behalf of DRCnet Foundation at the interactive dialogue on item 3 (Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions)
41st Session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva, 26 June 2019 (Check against delivery) Thank you Mr Chair, Your...
NPWJ organises side event on “Silencing Dissent”
Geneva, UNHRC, 41th Session, Palais des Nations, 25 June 2019 On the occasion of the 41th Session of the United...
NPWJ calls for an impartial, thorough and transparent investigation into the circumstances and causes of Morsi’s death
Brussels-Rome, 17 June 2019 The news of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s sudden death in court today is...
A year of specialized transitional justice chambers: the fight against impunity
31 May 2019 A full year has passed since the beginning of the work of the criminal specialized transitional justice...
NPWJ esprime cordoglio per la morte di Alia Abdel Nour durante la prigionia negli Emirati Arabi Uniti
E’ con profondo sconforto che abbiamo accolto la notizia della morte di Alia Abdel Nour, avvenuta il 4 maggio 2019...
NPWJ mourns the passing of Alia Abdel Nour while in UAE detention.
Brussels 9 May 2019 It is with great sadness that we learnt of Alia Abdel Nour’s death. She passed away on 4th May...
Peace and Justice 25 Years later in Rwanda
7 April 2019 Twenty-five years ago, over a period of just 100 days, an estimated 800,000 people were slaughtered,...
NPWJ urges Tunisia to stand up for justice and not grant impunity to President al-Bashir
Brussels-Rome, 27 March 2019 President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan is reportedly due to attend the League of Arab States...