Brussels-Rome, 5 June 2023 Every 5 June, World Environment Day is celebrated at the global level, which was...
Comunicati Stampa
NPWJ submission on the ICC Office of the Prosecutor renewal of its Policy on Children
Brussels-Rome, 31 May 2023 No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) welcomes the consultations undertaken by the Office of the...
Validation workshop on study assessing “Guarantees of the right to a fair trial and mechanisms of access to justice in the Libyan legal system”
Tripoli, Libya, 27 May 2023 In the framework of EU-funded ADALIT-Libya project, No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ)...
Cultural Diversity Day Is Worth Celebrating
This 21 May marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity celebration. This day commemorates the rich spectrum of...
Déclaration en Solidarité avec les victimes de la fusillade de la Ghriba et contre le crime terroriste
Tunis, le 11 mai 2023 Read the statement in Arabic Le mardi 9 mai 2023, une attaque armée a été menée contre la...
Focusing International Justice on Children: The Time is Now
Alison Smith*, Opinio Juris, 1 May 2023 Read the article as published in Opinio Juris It has been 20 years since the...
International Mother Earth Day: work in the present, save the future
Brussels - Rome, 22 April 2023 This 22 April 2023 marks the 53rd anniversary of the International Mother Earth Day. It...
Indigenous peoples of Brazil: NPWJ celebratres “Dia Do Indio”
Brussels - Rome, 19 April 2023 NPWJ recognises "Dia do Índio" as an important celebration honouring the rich cultural...
NPWJ Celebrates the Life of Ben Ferencz, Commits to his motto: “Never Give Up”
Rome/Brussels, 11 April 2023 The world has lost a champion for peace and justice with the passing last Friday of...