L’impunità per i criminali di guerra mette a rischio il futuro dell’Afghanistan
Leggi l’articolo sul sito del Corriere della sera - pag. 10 Caro direttore, quando il 20 agosto andranno alle...
Cairo declaration on FGM +5 high level meeting
Draft Program Saturday, 13 December 2008 throughout day Arrival of international participants 12:00 –...
Abduction and secret detention of Zimbabwean human rights defenders
On 3 December 2008, at around 05.00 am, Ms Jestina Mukoko, Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) was taken from...
A Partnership between G-8 BMENA Governments and Civil Society
Georgia: the jurisdiction of international and regional courts
The joint Briefing Paper by No Peace Without Justice and Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational and Transparty...
MENA democracy: NPWJ takes part in a civil society coordination meeting in Amman to prepare for 2009 Forum for the Future
No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) will participate, on 27-28 January 2009 in Amman, Jordan, in a civil society...
ICC 2007: Year of Assessment
An exclusive forward by David Tolbert: "The ends of international justice: closing international courts" A unique...