Al Mahdi Case: NPWJ comments on the ICC Reparation Order

17 Ago, 2017 | Comunicati Stampa

CGTN Africa, 17 August 2017

Today, 17 August 2017, Trial Chamber VIII of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a Reparations Order in the case of The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, concluding that Mr Al Mahdi is liable for 2.7 million euros in expenses for individual and collective reparations for the community of Timbuktu for intentionally directing attacks against religious and historic buildings in that city.

In a report conducted by Europe Correspondent Jack Parrock for CGTN AfricaAlison SmithDirector of the International Criminal Justice Program of No Peace Without Justice, highlights the significance of the ICC’s order.

For further information, please contact Alison Smith on, or Nicola Giovannini (Press & Public Affairs Coordinator) on or +32-2-548-3915.