Join the mobilization for the recognition of ecocide and the regeneration of forests

20 Mar, 2022 | Comunicati Stampa

Global Action Week, 20-25 march 2022

From 20th to 25th March, campaigners, citizens & elected representatives are calling on the European Union to recognize ecocide -mass destruction of nature- in the Environmental Crime Directive.

Mass deforestation, overfishing, soil and water pollution, deep-sea mining, hydraulic fracturing, radioactive contamination… We all have these images of destruction in our heads.

These ecocides, committed repeatedly over decades, have created the climatic and ecological emergency we are facing today.

Yet in the 21st century, this destruction is still legally permitted!

Those responsible for ecocide only face civil penalties (fines) and continue business as usual. However, if ecocide was recognised as an international crime, it would stop the destruction of the planet, and deter and punish those responsible.

How? It would also encourage companies and governments to operate in a way that is more respectful of nature and humanity.

It is time to change the national, European and international rules and protect our common home, the Earth!

We cannot rely on these non-binding agreements by governments, such those at the COP. As the European Union prepares to revise its environmental criminal law, we, the citizens, must continue to put pressure on the European institutions to recognise ecocide and protect life.

This is why we call for a big march/protest for the climate, living beings, forests, soils, water, and against ecocide, on Sunday 20 March, in Brussels, everywhere in Europe and in the world This action will also take place as part of a week of action for the right to water on March 22 and the Fridays for Future global climate strike on March 25.