NPWJ urges Tunisia to stand up for justice and not grant impunity to President al-Bashir

27 Mar, 2019 | Comunicati Stampa

Brussels-Rome, 27 March 2019

President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan is reportedly due to attend the League of Arab States summit, which will be held in Tunisia on 31 March 2019. President al-Bashir is subject to an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the civilian population in Darfur. As a State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Tunisia is under a legal obligation to execute all orders and decisions of the ICC, including to arrest any person against whom the Court has issued an arrest warrant.

Statement by Alison Smith, Legal Counsel of No Peace Without Justice:

“No Peace Without Justice call on the Tunisian authorities to fulfil their obligations as a State Party of the ICC and enforce the arrest warrant against President al-Bashir if he attends the League of Arab States summit to be held in their country.

“In previous years, sadly, a number of States parties to the ICC have violated their obligations under the Rome Statute – as well as a domestic judicial order such as South Africa – by receiving Omar Al Bashir with impunity on their territory.

“Tunisia has recognised the usefulness of the ICC and its crucial role in the fight for justice and accountability by joining the Court. Knowingly and willingly harbouring a head of State who is on the run from an ICC’s arrest warrant for grave human rights violations is not an option. Tunisia should demonstrate the credibility of its commitment to be on the side of the victims and not of those who allegedly bear the greatest responsibility for the crimes they endured.

“Darfur’s civilian population continues to be targeted by government forces, despite claims that the conflict there has ended. In recent months, Sudanese government security forces have also used excessive force against peaceful protests across the country. We urge Tunisia to stand up for the rights of the people of Sudan and Darfur to reparations and the establishment of truth and justice.”
For further information, contact Alison Smith on or Nicola Giovannini on