On 22-23 November 2022, the Tunisian National Authority for the Prevention of Torture (INPT) convened its...
Comunicati Stampa
Diritti, giustizia e bisogni nelle carceri libanesi
Giovedì 17 Novembre, come evento conclusivo del progetto DROIT, si è tenuto presso la Beit Beirut...
Universal Periodic Review of Brazil
On 14-18 November 2022, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group will proceed with the fourth review...
Recommendations on the UAE judicial system
In light of the fourth cycle of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process of United Arab...
Lula wins and restores hope for the Amazon
Inàcio Lula da Silva won, albeit by a hair, the Brazilian presidential elections. Three years ago, No Peace Without...
Call for the release of Karim Massimov and other prisoners
Following the mass protests which swept the country in January, thousands of peaceful demonstrators were...
On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, La Palabre and No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ), together...
Behind bars: when the law is turned into repression
Pierfrancesco Majorino hosted and chaired an online parliamentary briefing on “BEHIND BARS: WHEN THE LAW IS...
All that glitters is not gold: soon the UAE in the black list for money laundering and as a high risk country for the evasion of sanctions to Russia
Brussels, 31 October 2022 The European Commission is preparing to designate the United Arab Emirates as a "high risk"...