Brussels 20 October 2020 No Peace Without Justice welcomes the “Joint Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning...
Comunicati Stampa
Uccisione di Khashoggi: azione giudiziaria intrapresa negli Usa contro il principe ereditario saudita Mohammad Bin Salman
Hatice Cengiz, La fidanzata di Jamal Khashoggi, giornalista saudita del Washington Post e voce scomoda per il regno di...
International Day Of the Girl: NPWJ reaffirms its commitment to protect the human rights of girls around the world
Today, 11 October 2020, NPWJ Celebrates the International Day of the Girl established by the United Nations in 2011...
World Mental Health Day 2020
10 October 2020 Every year, 10 October has been designated as World Mental Health Day, in order to promote awareness...
Violazione dei diritti umani in Arabia Saudita: il PE esorta l’UE a declassare la sua partecipazione al vertice G20
Bruxelles, 8 ottobre 2020 Giovedì 8 ottobre, durante la sessione plenaria del Parlamento europeo, gli eurodeputati...
Commemoration of the second anniversary of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
European Parliament, 2 October 2020 On the occasion of the second anniversary of Jamal Kashoggi‘s murder, and in light...
NPWJ joins Global Call for the UN to Recognize the Right to a Healthy Environment
Considering that a safe and healthy environment is necessary for the enjoyment of fundamental human rights and...
ICC Independent Expert Review: The court and states should seize opportunity to strengthen court’s performance
NPWJ joins civil society in calling the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its States parties to seize the...
NPWJ welcomes European Parliament’s call for weapons export ban on Saudi Arabia and the UAE
Brussels-Rome, 17 September 2020 Today, the European Parliament adopted the “Arms export: implementation of Common...