Brussels, 13 July 2022 No Peace Without Justice welcomes the initiative of the Government of the Netherlands, together...
Annual International Conference on “The Future of Human Rights”
European Parliament, Brussels, 16-17 June 2022 On 16-17 June 2022, the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)...
Audizione della sotto commissione diritti umani del Parlamento europeo dedicata alle mosse degli Emirati Arabi Uniti per influenzare la politica europea
Il 10 maggio scorso si è tenuto uno scambio di opinioni sulle mosse degli Emirati Arabi Uniti (UAE) per influenzare la...
Parliamentary Hearing on scale of UAE foreign lobbying & influence network in EU
Brussels, European Parliament, 10 May 2022 (17.45-18.45) On 10 May (17:45 – 18:45), the Subcommittee of Human...
Coalition for the ICC – The Ukraine investigation and the ICC’s track record
Coalition for the ICC, 7 mar 2022 In an unprecedented move, 39 States Parties have referred the situation in Ukraine...
Italy makes environmental protection part of its Constitution
On February 8th 2022, in a landmark vote, Italy made protecting the environment part of its Constitution. The...
Report on child marriage in Italy
Get involved: download the report and donate to support our campaign Child marriage is any marriage (or marriage-like...
54 NGOS and 32 MEPS call on the European Commission to recognize the crime of ecocide
Brussele, 13 December 2021 The Commission will shortly unveil its legislative proposal revising Directive...
Euronews – Tensions escalate on Belarus-Poland border
Euronews YouTube Channel / 16 nov 2021 Tensions that have been building along the Poland,Belarus border for weeks...