Tunis, 8 mai 2022 Le 8 mai de chaque année, la Tunisie commémore la journée nationale de lutte contre la torture, en...
Regione MENA
Atelier de travail – Liste d’indicateurs relatifs à la détection et l’identification des victimes de la traite des êtres humains en Libye
Tunis, 22-24 Mars 2022 Dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration d’un Mécanisme national d’orientation des victimes de...
Saudi Arabia: NPWJ strongly condemns the mass application of death penalty
Brussels-Rome, 14 March 2022 On Saturday 11 March, Saudi Arabia executed 81 people, including seven Yemenis and one...
A human rights approach to combat illicit trade: the case of Syria
24 February 2022, 16:00-17:30 No Peace Without Justice together with the Euro-Syrian Democratic Forum, the Budapest...
Saudi Arabia: NPWJ firmly condemns extreme prison sentences against women’s rights activists for using social media to express their opinions
No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) firmly condemns the astonishing prison sentences handed down against Saudi women’s...
Bahrain: Request for support to free imprisoned human rights defender Dr Abduljalil AlSingace, on hunger strike since July 2021
We, the undersigned human rights organisations, are writing to call for the immediate and unconditional release of...
Bahrain: Request for support to free imprisoned human rights defender Dr Abduljalil AlSingace, on hunger strike since July 2021
We, the undersigned human rights organisations, are writing to call for the immediate and unconditional release of...
The New Humanitarian – Syrian war crimes on trial in Germany
The New Humanitarian, 21 oct 2021 In the coming weeks, a German judge is expected to read the verdict in a historic...
DROIT roundtables: Improving the penitentiary system and enhance respect of prisoners’ rights in Lebanon
On 12 October 2021, NPWJ is organizing an online roundtable on “Human Rights Standards in Prisons Based on...