DEMUS Peru, a leading women’s rights organization in Peru that has partnered with NPWJ and other Peruvian and...
Sud America
Acampamento Terra Livre: Representatives of the EU and the UN meet indigenous leaders in Brasilia in a virtual event
Brussels/Brasilia, 6 April 2022 3.00 – 4.00pm CEST In 2004, on the “Day of Indigenous Peoples”, indigenous leaders...
Joining forces for human rights, the environment and indigenous peoples in Brazil: informing the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council
Paulo, 31 March 2022 The UN Human Rights Council assesses the violation of human rights, the environment and Brazilian...
Ecuador: NPSG si congratula per la decisione della Corte Suprema che riconosce il diritto degli indigeni al consenso sui progetti petroliferi e minerari
5 febbraio 2022 Il 4 febbraio 2022, la Corte Suprema Costituzionale dell'Ecuador ha emesso una sentenza storica...
CEDAW: an alternative report concerning the rights of lesbian women
Throughout their lives, lesbian women in Peru experience different types of violations to their integrity and...
NPWJ statement on Human Rights Day
Guaranteeing universal and equitable enjoyment of human rights requires measures to ensure vulnerable peoples are...
Deforestazione in Amazzonia: i diritti della terra e il punto di vista delle donne indigene
Il 9 novembre, dalle 17.30 ora italiana L'evento è organizzato da Non c'è Pace Senza Giustizia e moderato da...
NPWJ and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation call for action on deforestation and indigenous rights during COP26
No Peace Without Justice and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation stress the need to tackle deforestation by...
NPWJ supports First Summit of Women from the Amazon Basin
8-12 October 2021 NPWJ welcomes the holding of the first Summit of Women from the Amazonian Basin which took place on...