Brussels – Rome, 15 March 2019 “Today, in a press briefing, United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said that a...
MENA Region
Conference Post-ISIS Ninewa: The European Response
The Conference, falling on the third anniversary of the fall of Mosul, was hosted by Ana Gomes and Elmar Brok, members...
ADHOC: “The roots and causes of Islamic violence? Secularism is the solution”
Brussels, 22 May 2016 Since the start of the Arab Spring in 2011, divisions between different parts of society in the...
Emma Bonino in collegamento con Ballarò dalla città turca Gaziantep vicina al confine con la Siria
"Sei paesi che di fronte a questa situazione chiudono le frontiere è un'immagine dell'Europa che francamente non...
Press Conference on “Reinforcing the Role of Women in the Middle East and North Africa”
Women are an essential element in the development of individual countries all over the world, from the economic and...
Launch of project to enhance women’s economic inclusion in the MENA Region
Cairo, Egypt, 9 June 2015 On 9 June 2015, the project “Promoting Women Empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable...
International Women’s Day: “Wounded to Death” in Tunis with Emma Bonino
Tunis, 8 March 2015 On the occasion of International Women’s Day, “Wounded to Death”, a play about femicide written by...
NPWJ releases Handbook to support Trial Monitoring in Libya
In the framework of its project to support Libya’s democratic transition through justice and accountability, No Peace...
KADEM and NPWJ organise High-level Consultations on Transitional and International Justice in the Arab region
Tunis, Tunisia, 19 June 2013 On 20 June 2013, the Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM) and No Peace Without...