With the world’s focus on the recent dramatic captures of alleged war criminals in Libya, the ongoing conflict and...
MENA Region
8th Forum for the Future: NPWJ urges promotion of “active citizenship” to foster democracy in the MENA region
A delegation of No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) is participating in the Eighth Forum for the Future Ministerial...
Tunisia: Arab Spring Birthplace Starts Democratic Transformation
With the successful conclusion of free and fair elections this Sunday, Tunisia has taken the first firm steps in its...
IILHR, NPWJ, UNPO: Delegation Hearing Sparks New Stage of Engagement between Brussels and Baghdad for Iraq’s Minority Deputies
Members of the European Parliament and deputies representing the Christian, Mandaean‐Sabean, Shabak, and Yezidi...
IILHR, NPWJ, UNPO: European Parliament Plays Host to Landmark Visit of Deputies from Iraq’s Minority Communities
Travelling from Baghdad, representatives of Iraq’s ethnic and religious communities will be meeting with the European...
8th Forum for the Future Subministerial Meeting: NPWJ urges for strengthening partnership between governments and civil society to foster democracy in the MENA region
No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) will contribute to the Subministerial Meeting of the Forum for the Future 2011, to be...
NPWJ supports Handy Cup 2011 Regata in Malta to promote the role of disabled citizens in the public life of Mediterranean countries
Brussels-Rome, 6 September 2011 Download the Press Release in Arabic On 9-11 September 2011, the Handy Cup 2011...
8th Forum for the Future: NPWJ urges for strengthening partnership between governments and civil society to foster democracy in the MENA region
No Peace Without Justice contributed to the Regional Workshop on “Transformation and Integration in the MENA Region:...
Second Contact Group meeting on Libya: NPWJ and the NRPTT call for a full support to the ICC
Foreign Ministers and leaders from the United Nations, the League of Arab States, the Organisation of the Islamic...