NPWJ congratulates the 9th ASP to the ICC for calling on a stronger international criminal justice system

10 Dec, 2010 | NPWJ in the News

No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) welcomes the conclusion of the 9th Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the International Criminal Court (ICC) as an important component of ongoing efforts to strengthen the international criminal justice system as a whole.

NPWJ particularly welcomes the measures taken by States Parties to uphold the conclusions reached at the Review Conference in Kampala earlier in 2010 and to reinforce the significance of the stocktaking process, in particular in relation to victims and affected communities. The Review Conference provided an unprecedented opportunity to raise awareness about the work of the ICC in its oldest situation country, Uganda, as well as to evaluate the justice needs and experiences of victims and affected communities, including through the project of visits of ICC States representatives to Uganda and initiatives such as the War Victims’ Football Game.

In Kampala, States agreed on a number of concrete measures to enhance the Court’s impact on victims and affected communities and during this week’s ASP they took steps to follow through on those promises. For example, in the Omnibus Resolution on Strengthening the International Criminal Court and the Assembly of States Parties, the ASP requested the Court to review its strategy in relation to victims to incorporate the recommendations reflected in the Final Report of the Focal Points on this stocktaking topic and encouraged States and civil society to take action in implementing the relevant resolution adopted in Kampala.

NPWJ also welcomes the increased focus being placed by ICC States Parties on ways in which the ICC can strengthen its legacy, relevance and impact in countries in which it is taking an interest. At the 9th Session of the ASP, ICC States Parties called for an enhanced field presence of the Court, in order to optimise the relevance and impact of the Court in countries where it carries out its work. They also strongly supported outreach, public information and communications on the Court, encouraging the ICC to start outreach at the earliest possible opportunity, including during the preliminary examinations phase.

An enhanced field presence of the Court and increased outreach activities are crucial to improve the work of the ICC and strengthen its foundations, efficiency and effectiveness. These efforts will have a tremendous impact in the coming years on the ability of the ICC to have a positive impact in countries in which it operates and how it is perceived.

For further information, contact Alison Smith on or +32-486-986 235 or Nicola Giovannini on or +32-2-548-3914.