Libya: NPWJ raises awareness about Transitional Justice and Human Rights in Yefren

27 Jun, 2013 | Press Releases

Yefren, Libya, 27 June 2013


On 27 June 2013, No Peace Without Justice, in partnership with the Libyan Centre for Strategic and Future Studies, organised a workshop on Transitional Justice and Human Rights in Yefren, a town in the Nafusa Mountains. Participants included local civil society organisations, as well as representatives from the Yefren Local Council and local branches of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness about accountability, transitional justice mechanisms and the fundamental principles of human rights, with a view to building the capacity of local organisations to promote accountability, rule of law and reconciliation within their community. The workshop introduced participants to key transitional justice mechanisms, citing examples from other countries and emphasising the importance of such processes in democratic transition and post-conflict reconstruction.

NPWJ facilitated a discussion about the role of individuals and CSOs in promoting transitional justice and reconciliation, focusing on specific challenges within the Libyan context. Participants elaborated on their expectations and experiences of accountability, transitional justice and human rights, discussing their potential role in promoting reconciliation within Libya, particularly in Yefren. A representative from the newly established Libyan CSO ‘Improving Human Rights’ said that “we know there are many human rights abuses and injustices which need to be addressed, but currently we lack the tools to be able to create the necessary space for dialogue, redress and reconciliation.”

NPWJ hopes to form new partnerships with some of the CSOs who participated in the workshop, and is planning to return to Yefren to complete more workshops in order to build the capacity of these organisations to promote justice within their community.

NPWJ in Libya
NPWJ has been working on the Libyan transition since early 2011, in the framework of its project to support Libya’s democratic transition through justice and accountability. As the country embarks on legislative reforms, the Libyan authorities can break with the legacy of impunity and abuses that typified Gaddafi’s rule with a new respect for the rule of law and a commitment to restoring justice and dignity to victims. Doing so requires not only the investigation and prosecution of the crimes and violence perpetrated during the revolution, but also efforts to confront a history of oppression and human rights abuses that dates back decades under the rule of the former regime.

For further information on the activities of NPWJ in Libya please contact Stefano Moschini, Libya Program Coordinator, at or +218917450375.