Mr Herman von Hebel’s solemn undertaking as Registrar of the International Criminal Court (ICC) took place today during a swearing-in ceremony held in an open session of the Court, in the Hague. Mr Herman von Hebel (The Netherlands) was elected for a period of five years by the judges of the Court, on 8 March 2013. He succeeds Ms Silvana Arbia, the Court’s previous Registrar.
Statement by Niccolo’ Figa-Talamanca, Secretary-General of No Peace Without Justice:
“No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty (NRPTT) congratulate Mr Herman von Hebel for his solemn undertaking as the new Registrar. We look forward the ICC to benefit from his invaluable qualifications and skills, as well as ample experience in the work of a Registrar at the international level, so that his mandate is marked by further institutional improvements and advances. As he assumes his new duties, he will also have new challenges in continuing to strengthen the ICC and its role in fighting impunity, promoting peace and –critically– securing redress for victims.
“We also take this opportunity to recognise the important efforts conducted by outgoing Registrar Ms Silvana Arbia to meet the primary need of having an ICC more responsive and better known to the people affected by the crimes it investigates and prosecutes. Ms Arbia established a number of important policy priorities, including focusing on the development and implementation of a robust outreach strategy and the enhancement of the Court’s field presence in the affected countries as a reform priority.
“Today, while the ICC is entering its second decade of existence, and with 8 situations before it, the Court needs more than ever to have the vision of itself as serving the people affected by conflict and by the crimes within its jurisdiction. Engaging victims and affected populations and empowering them so they may participate in processes that were established for them, is central to strengthen the relevance and impact of the Court in the political and social life of the situation countries. Ensuring a field presence in countries affected by conflict is also a critical element for the success of the ICC in fulfilling its mandate to bring justice for the worst crimes known to the world as well as to leave a positive legacy in respect of peace, justice and the rule of law.
“NPWJ extends its full support to the new Regitrar as he embarks on facing these challenges and has the utmost confidence that he will dedicate priority attention to undertake the necessary efforts to make this vision tangible and real and allow the Court to be responsive to the needs and expectations of millions of people who are looking to it for justice and redress”.
For further information, contact Nicola Giovannini on or +32-2-548-3915.
No Peace Without Justice, which is a founding member of the NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) and which has been one of the organisations at the forefront of promoting the establishment and entry into force of the permanent International Criminal Court (ICC) and continues to work for its universal ratification, has participated in every session of the ASP since its first session in 2002, the year the ICC was established.