No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM), under the framework of the Transitional Justice Academy (Academy), conducted a two-day workshop to contribute to the draft legislation on transitional justice (the Draft Law) on 22-23 October 2012. The Draft Law is currently being prepared by the National Commission for the Dialogue on Transitional Justice (the Commission) created inside the Human Right and Transitional Justice Ministry (the HRTJ Ministry).
The workshop brought together a foreign expert specialised in drafting legislation on Transitional Justice Commissions with extensive knowledge on the Tunisian experience, 13 Tunisian experts on transitional justice who have participated in most of the activities already carried out under the Academy as well as representatives from KADEM and NPWJ. After an exchanges on the best practices and lessons learned on drafting transitional justice legislation relevant for the Tunisian experience, the group of experts prepared their comments and suggestions to the Draft Law that were subsequently presented to the Commission.
Since it began, NPWJ and KADEM have contributed to the national dialogue launched by the HRTJ Ministry through the Academy, which together with other key Tunisian NGOs working on transitional justice is a member of the Commission that assisted the HRTJ Ministry in organising the national dialogue and preparing the Draft Law. The national dialogue was conducted through a number of activities, including training seminars held in July and September, a number of open day discussions with relevant groups, regional consultations in all Tunisian governorates and a national survey.
For further information, please contact Greta Barbone on or +216 28385079 or Nicola Giovannini on or +32 2 548-39 15.
For more information about NPWJ and KADEM’s work on transitional justice in Tunisia, please click here