UN Human Rights Council / CoI on Syria: Statement by Yaser Alfarhan on behalf of NPWJ

23 Sep, 2024 | Press Releases

On the occasion of the Interactive dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, held at the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ), NGO with consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), submitted an oral statement by Yaser Alfarhan alerting about the exacerbation of the humanitarian crisis in Syria and the expansion of repressive policies carried out by the authorities.

Human Rights Council – 57th Regular Session
Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
23 September 2024

Oral statement submitted by Yaser Alfarhan on behalf of No Peace Without Justice

“Thank you , Mr. President,

My name is Yaser Alfarhan and I speak on behalf of No Peace Without Justice.

For many years, the CoI has been presenting to your esteemed Council its reports on systematic crimes against humanity committed by the same perpetrators in Syria.

Despite the condemnation decisions issued by the Council, the Assad authorities continue their repressive policies, and the numbers of the dead, wounded, detained, missing and their families, and those displaced from their homes and whose properties have been destroyed or confiscated are increasing.

The failure to rescue and provide justice to the victims and hold those responsible accountable leads to the expansion of the circle of atrocities committed, exacerbates the humanitarian crisis and exacerbates the refugee crisis by stifling opportunities and motivations for return, and by the influx of new waves of refugees.

As the regime expands and develops its criminal tools, it has become imperative for the United Nations to develop international mechanisms to combat impunity. In this context, we call for the development of an integrated strategy for truth and justice in Syria, which includes a package of practical measures, including referring to the International Court of Justice on the Assad government’s refusal to cooperate with the established UN committees, the latest of which is the IIMP, and prosecute before the ICJ the breach of its international obligations, such as in relation with the Chemical Weapons Convention.

We must also break the closed wall in the International Criminal Court, or conclude an agreement establishing a special international court.

I would like to remind you that protecting human rights and ensuring guarantees of non-recurrence, as well as accountability, require to address the roots of the problem and to achieve a complete and real political transition in accordance with the UN resolution 2254, and that there cannot be peace without justice.

Thank you, Mr. President”.