On Sunday 8 May 2011 President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan travelled to Djibouti to attend the inauguration ceremony of...
Second Contact Group meeting on Libya: NPWJ and the NRPTT call for a full support to the ICC
Foreign Ministers and leaders from the United Nations, the League of Arab States, the Organisation of the Islamic...
Impunity not an option for Sri Lanka crimes
The Panel of Experts established in June 2010 to advise Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on accountability issues with...
NPWJ/NRPTT: Italy should suspend its cooperation agreement with Syria and oppose to its election to the Human Rights Council
Statement by Sergio Stanzani, President of the Transnational Nonviolent Radical Party and No Peace Without Justice:...
ICTY: Conviction of Gotovina and Markac reaffirms that war crimes can never be justified by other side’s conduct
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia today handed down its judgment in the case against Ante...
Côte d’Ivoire: the new government should bring an end to violence and ensure accountability for all crimes committed
After months of political stalemate and fighting, the incumbent President of Côte d’Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo, who had...
Justice Rapid Response to Begin Transition
Joint Statement of NPWJ and the JRR Coordination Group Justice Rapid Response (JRR), the intergovernmental stand-by...
Justice and Accountability Key for Tunisia’s Democratic Future
By Alison Smith, Legal Counsel of NPWJ On 17 December 2010, a single act of protest against the tyrannical...
Europe must stand behind Egypt’s democrats
As Europeans see the images of popular unrest in north Africa, it is hard not to be reminded of the democratic...