Gaziantep, Turkey, 13-15 November 2017 Accountability for violations of IHL and international human rights law is...
Justice for Syria: A new hope dawns
Brussels, 4 July 2017 The appointment of French jurist Catherine Marchi-Uhel to head the International, Impartial and...
Why world leaders shouldn’t play the money card in Syria
Op-Ed By Steven Dixon and Rami Nakhla*, Los Angeles Times, 14 April 2017 ...
Syria: Conference urged not to trade sustainable solutions for short-term gain, ensure a focus on accountability
Gianluca Eramo*, Brussels, 5 April 2017 The chemical attack that hit the Syrian town of Khan Sheikun yesterday,...
Syria: Advocacy events on “Solidarity with Syrian Civil Society and Social Movements”
Rome, 30-31 March 2017 On Thursday 30 and Friday 31 March 2017, No Peace Without Justice, in partnership with...
Syria: NPWJ supports side-event on “Using Universal Jurisdiction for Accountability”
Geneva, UNHRC, Palais des Nations, 15 March 2017 In the margins of the 34th session of the United Nations Human Rights...
NPWJ advocates for political and financial support to the UN General Assembly’s Syria Accountability Mechanism
Geneva, Palais des Nations, 2 March 2017 On Thursday 2 March 2017, the permanent representations of Liechtenstein and...
Syria: NPWJ calls on the UN Member States to support the Mechanism for investigation and prosecution of serious crimes
Brussels – Rome, 13 February 2017 On the occasion of the release of the Terms of Reference for the Mechanism to...
Syria peace talks must unlock humanitarian access
23 January 2017 Statement by 97 Syrian and international NGOs on the Astana talks As peace talks commence today...