Tunis, 11 February 2020 The undersigned Tunisian and international associations express their satisfaction for the...
NPWJ joins Tunisian NGOs’ appeal calling on Saudi Authorities to release Loujain al-Hathloul and all prisoners of conscience
Read the statement in Arabic The undersigned Tunisian associations call on the Saudi authorities to stop persecuting...
Tunisian NGOs Call Upon Moroccan Authorities to Release Independent Newspaper Editor and End Criminalization of Freedom of Expression
Tunis, 27 May 2020 Read the appeal in French / Arabic Read also Des ONG tunisiennes appellent les autorités marocaines...
Group of Tunisian and international NGOs address letter to Tunisian authorities requesting specific measures to protect marginalised people during the COVID-19 crisis
Tunis, 9 April 2020 Read the letter in Arabic Lettre ouverte à l’attention du Président de la République, du Président...
Tunisia: Human rights associations and organizations call for withdrawing new draft law that would endanger and limit freedom of expression and press
Read the statement also here: https://daamdth.org/archives/9090?lang=en Human rights organizations and associations...
A year of specialized transitional justice chambers: the fight against impunity
31 May 2019 A full year has passed since the beginning of the work of the criminal specialized transitional justice...
NPWJ urges Tunisia to stand up for justice and not grant impunity to President al-Bashir
Brussels-Rome, 27 March 2019 President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan is reportedly due to attend the League of Arab States...
Tunisia: “Victims speak out against impunity and in defense of transitional justice”
Press Conference, Tunis, 6 November 2018
Nobel Peace Prize: An important acknowledgment for Tunisia and a signal of hope for all Tunisians
Brussels - Rome, 9 October 2015 Statement by Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, Secretary General of No Peace Without...