Who we are

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No Peace Without Justice is an international non-profit organisation founded by Emma Bonino and Marco Pannella, born of a 1993 campaign of the Transnational Radical Party that works for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice.

Our organisation is a founding and steering committee member of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) and has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).


The core vision guiding our work is that impunity for violations and abuses of human rights in any form is not an option: the respect of dignity and freedoms must be guaranteed to all, without exception, as enshrined by the rule of law. If violations and abuses are committed, those bearing responsibility, whatever their level of power, should be held to account to provide justice and redress to victims and survivors. Ranging from mass atrocities perpetrated in war times, to repressive policies carried out against dissenting voices, environmental and human devastation caused by practices such as deforestation, fires and land grabbing (some of which should be addressed as ecocide), or practices brutally denying women’s rights under the alibi of tradition, the only response to these violations is accountability.


Our mission is articulated through the following objectives:

  • To strengthen national, regional and international systems, mechanisms and standards that promote and protect human rights and deliver justice and redress for victims.
  • To promote international justice and accountability, including the International Criminal Court, to combat impunity for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ecocide, also by holding States to their obligations to investigate and prosecute crimes under international law.
  • To support human rights defenders, communities and local actors struggling to defend and promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
  • To fight all forms of discrimination and sexual and gender-based violence, including Female Genital and Sexual Mutilation and early and forced marriage.

    Our values

    We believe that silence in the face of human rights violations equals complicity: we encourage States and institutional actors to use their positions and to cooperate with civil society to denounce human rights violations and take action with a view to ending them across the world.

    We seek to amplify local voices, not replace them: we support the empowerment of victims and survivors as active agents for change for themselves, their communities and the world.

    We challenge assumptions and push boundaries to help break discriminatory and harmful power dynamics and effect sustainable cultural, political and social change.

    We do not accept that universal human rights have no space in the private sphere, such as the relationship between parent and child or between spouses or partners: FGM and marital rape are examples of violations of these universal rights, which the State is responsible to prevent.

    We do not accept that massive war crimes and atrocities are an unavoidable consequence of conflict, nor that they “just happen”: they are the result of deliberate policy decisions by individuals at the highest levels, who can and should be held personally accountable by States and by the international community.

    We do not accept that poverty, illiteracy and underdevelopment can be separated from civil and political rights or that social justice can be achieved without individual freedom: political freedoms and civil liberties give voice to the poor, the oppressed and the disadvantaged and empower them to drive permanent change.

    We do not accept impunity for environmental and human devastation and consider that ecocide should be recognised at national and international levels in order to hold perpetrators to account and ensure the preservation and restoration of ecosystems and the respect of human rights of local and indigenous peoples.

    Support our commitment

    for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice throughout the world.

    Support our commitment

    for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice throughout the world.

    Our Strengths

    NPWJ engages institutional and non-institutional local actors in substantive and strategic partnerships: We work with these actors because they are partners on common priorities and shared values, not because they “implement” things for us or because we implement things for them.

    NPWJ empowers victims and survivors of human rights violations, supports vulnerable and under-represented groups (such as women, children and minorities) and empowers them as actors for change, including by bringing their experiences and built-up expertise and capacity to other situations in need.

    NPWJ has recognised in-house expertise on a range of human rights issues and access to a large network of world-renowned experts to complement in-house resources where needed.


     NPWJ sets its own agenda, based on our political priorities, our specific expertise and on the basis of needs as assessed on the ground. Policy objectives and operational priorities are set independently of easily available resources; where we have the necessary expertise and there is a need for action, our objectives and priorities drive our fundraising strategy.

    NPWJ learns from local actors: We work with them to adjust priorities as needed and bring the needs and constraints on the ground to the attention of relevant actors outside the country, also with a view to informing their policy priorities.

    Our Goals

    Through our campaigns and political initiatives at a global level we pursue the following objectives

    impunity in all its forms

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    women and children

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    democratic transition

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    environmental devastation

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    Our Story

    • Supporting the creation of the ICTY

      Supporting the creation of the ICTY

      In November 1993, Emma Bonino delivered the Appeal and Signatures for the establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal for crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali

    • Making the ICC a reality

      Making the ICC a reality

      In May 1994, No Peace Without Justice is established as a committee of parliamentarians, mayors and citizens from all political backgrounds with the aim of promoting the creation of a Permanent International Criminal Court with jurisdiction on war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

    • “Ratification Now!” Campaign

      “Ratification Now!” Campaign

      On 11-13 July 1998 the United Nations Conference establishing the International Criminal Court is held in Rome. No Peace Without Justice actively participated in all preparatory phases and provided legal assistance to the governmental delegations, playing a crucial role in the negotiatyions. NPWJ subsequently launched the “Ratification Now” campaign, organising numerous intergovernmetal conferences and technical meetings in order to achieve the 60 ratifications of the Rome Stature necessary for the entry into force of the Court.

    • Documenting Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Kosovo

      Documenting Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Kosovo

      Further to several field missions conducted in 1998, NPWJ partnered with the International Crisis Group in a wide scale project implemented in 1999 to document and collect evidence of violations of humanitarian law in Kosovo. The outcomes were published in the book “Reality Demands” and the testimonies collected in a database subsequently given to the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICTY, preparing the basis for the indictment of Slobodan Milosevic.

    • The Special court of Sierra Leone

      The Special court of Sierra Leone

      In 2000, the President of Sierra Leone requested the UN Secretary General to set up a special court to bring accountability for the crilmes committed during the war of the 1990s. NPWJ facilitated the multilateral meetings aimed at establisihing the special court which took place in January 2002. NPWJ also ran outreach and conflict mapping programs together with civil society and provided legal asistance to the Government.

    • “Stop FGM” Campaign

      “Stop FGM” Campaign

      In 2001, NPWJ launched the “Stop FGM” campaign, working with women’s rights activists across the world to target female genital mutilation (FGM) and other forms of violence committed against women that are primarily being addressed as cultural issues, rather than as human rights violations.

    • Supporting Democracy in the MENA Region

      Supporting Democracy in the MENA Region

      Since 2003, NPWJ has also started to work on the front of promoting democracy and the rule of law, in the Middle East and North Africa region, by organising a vast range of initiatives aimed at fostering political dialogues between civil society and governments, including in Yemen, Iraq, Morocco, Qatar, Lebanon, Jordan and Iran. Numerous events were held under the framework of the Democracy Assistance Dialogue (DAD) promoted by Italy, Turkey and yemen within the Forum for the Future, which was institutioalised in 2004 at the Sea Island G8 Summit.

    • Transitional Justice in the Arab world

      Transitional Justice in the Arab world

      Following the Arab revolutions mobilised by populations’ demands for citizenship, dignity, freedom and social justice, NPWJ has been working in Tunisia, Libya, Syria and Bahrein to support human rights activisits, organisations and civil society networks in their efforts to contribute to the transition process and the democratic reconstruction of their countries. NPWJ has also been focusing on the documentation of crimes under international law and massive human rights violations to set the ground for further investigations and various transitional processes, including prosecutions.

    • Universal ban on FGM


      The Ban FGM campaign launched by NPWJ in 2010 saw its successful culmination with the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly, on 20 December 2012, of the historic resolution calling for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation (A/RES/67/146). Its adoption reflects universal agreement that female genital mutilation constitutes a violation of human rights, which all countries of the world should address and prevent through “all necessary measures, including enacting and enforcing legislation to prohibit FGM and to protect women and girls from this form of violence, and to end impunity”.

    • No impunity for Amazonia’s devastation

      No impunity for Amazonia’s devastation

      In 2019, with the support of the Peretti Foundation, NPWJ launched the ‘Amazonia Beyond the Crisis’ campaign, working with partners from Amazonia, as well as regional and international stakeholders, to seek accountability, raise awareness and effect behavioural change in respect of deforestation, fires and other environmental and human rights violations taking place in Amazonia.


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